Item 01: Community Survey

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CoSM Members
Is there a better copy of the percents that are white numbers on teal? At best they are very fuzzy. These are on pages 12-13 of the packet.
It looks like they took a bad screen print and inserted it into the document.
This is odd in that everything else is very crisp.

Page 34 isn't easy to read also.

The white numbers on teal are better on page 45. And it's the same as page 12.

On page 43 we have this:
"On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is
shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “Complete data”. However, these responses have been removed from the
analyses presented in the reports. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an
opinion about a specific item." but there is not a section entitled "Complete data"

I thought maybe I had found it on page 80 under "Complete set of frequencies" but I find "By default, 'don't know' responses are excluded, but may be added to the table using the response filter to the right."

So I cannot determine how many people actually answered any of the questions because I don't have the spreadsheet.

As to the invited respondents vs those who found the survey and responded, why are the questions are not all the same and those that are the same are not presented in the same order?

To which cities are we being compared?


Staff member
Responses provided by Lauren Surley, Director of Communications:
So I cannot determine how many people actually answered any of the questions because I don't have the spreadsheet. The “complete data” tab is in reference to the online report, which you can review at

As to the invited respondents vs those who found the survey and responded, why are the questions are not all the same and those that are the same are not presented in the same order? There are very minor changes from the mailed survey and the online survey. The different questions, which were on the online survey include: 1. Do you live within the City of San Marcos? 2. If you identify in another way, how would you describe your gender? 3. How did you hear about this survey? The first and last question are necessary as the online survey was not mailed directly to a home within San Marcos. I will request further information from Polco to see why the second question was not included in the mailed survey, although I suspect it’s due to lack of available space.

You may also see a little bit of difference on reporting with the question surrounding how often residents visit certain types of businesses and if they believe San Marcos should purse attracting more of those businesses. Due to space constraints on the mailed survey, this was consolidated, so respondents were able to answer both questions within the same line without breaking it up as you see on the online survey.

To which cities are we being compared? I will work with our Polco representatives to gather more information to answer this question.
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