Item 01: IH35 Shared Use Pathway Connection

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2024-95R, approving an Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) with the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for a transportation alternatives set-aside (TASA) project for the IH-35 Shared Use Pathway Connection Project; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute said agreement; and declaring an effective date.
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CoSM Members
I see "The project objective includes providing a Shared Use Path for pedestrians and cyclists across San Marcos
River and IH35."
May SPIN scooter riders also use this pathway?


Staff member
Response provided by Engineering/CIP and Public Works:
The location of the IH35 Shared Use Pathway Connection currently falls within a “No Ride Zone” boundary of the existing SPIN service area, so SPIN scooters would be prohibited from using this location, at this time. However, staff and SPIN will be conducting an Eastside scooter pilot along Aquarena Springs Drive to begin on July 1, 2024. Should the pilot be successful, future Eastside service areas may be recommended to include the use of the IH35 Shared Use Pathway as a safe East/West travel route.

The No Ride Zones do not prohibit residents from using their personal scooters.
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