Responses provided by Laurie Moyer, Assistant City Manager:
Slide 47 (page 51) opens a number of questions to which we need answers.
Original parcel to City as dedicated parkland less 4 acres to US Army.
So who owns the 4 acres now? According to Ord 1972-25, the City owns it; it was just leased to the Army. But this slide indicates it belongs to the Army. Most people who may have questions will not know how to look this up to see that we still own it.
Presentation will clarify that the 4 acres is owned by the City but is not dedicated parkland due to US Army lease at the time of dedication.
• Election for release of parkland for City Hall, Activity Center & Library.
This reads as if it is a planned future activity.
We did the Activity center in 1994 and the library had been done in 1991, per the ordinances shown although the red text with black shadow is pretty hard to read.
The bullet point does not capture all information in presentation. The election for release of parkland had to occur before the development of City Hall, Activity Center, and Library.
• Charter prohibits relocation of City Hall & redevelopment without election.
Please provide Article and Section
Sec. 3.07. - Powers and limitations of the city council.
(a)All powers and authority which are expressly or impliedly conferred on or possessed by the city shall be vested in and exercised by the council.(b)The council shall have no power to, and shall not
1)Sell, convey, lease, mortgage or otherwise alienate any land which is now, or shall hereafter be, dedicated for park purposes, unless the qualified voters of the city shall authorize such act by adopting in a general or special election a proposition submitting the question and setting forth the terms and conditions under which such sale, conveyance, lease, mortgage or other alienation is to be made; provided, that the city council may, after a public hearing, authorize a lease of park property to another governmental entity or to a non-profit corporation or association for a term of up to three years if the council determines that the lease will further the use of the property for park purposes.
In consultation with Legal this means:
- Development of a City Hall on the north side of Hopkins will require a release of parkland if it occurs beyond the boundary of the original US Army lease area, which was exempt from the parkland dedication.
- For the redevelopment of the current City Hall site, the release of parkland dedication in 1974 placed a condition “for use as a City Hall” on the release. Because of this condition, to use it for other purposes, such as affordable housing or private use, will require a new election.
A Citizen Stakeholder or Bond Committee can help during the conceptual design phase to evaluate the potential success for release of parkland dedication and any authorization for the use of public funds.
Attached is a spreadsheet with the deed history for the property.