Item 02: Sessom Drive Traffic Calming Initiatives

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Staff member
Receive a staff presentation providing an update on the Sessom Drive Traffic Calming Initiative.


CoSM Members
Is this just an update or are we asking to keep the bike lanes permanently? Is there a mill/overlay or other project looming?

I see "construction on the slide with dates.
Exactly what is planned?


Staff member
Response provided by Shaun Condor, Director of Engineering/CIP:

Mayor Hughson:
Is this just an update or are we asking to keep the bike lanes permanently? Is there a mill/overlay or other project looming?
This is just an update; we are not asking to keep the bike lanes permanent at this time. That question will be discussed with Council in the Winter of 2024, after the bike lanes are installed and have gone through the study period. Public Works is in the final steps of finalizing a grant from TXDOT to mill & overlay Sessom in the Spring of 2025 from Alamo Street to Aquarena Springs; these limits were not specified but it will be discussed in the presentation.

I see "construction on the slide with dates. Exactly what is planned?
The dates are shown on slide 5. Two projects are currently under construction within the limits of the proposed bike lanes. The Sessom Creek Improvements is stabilizing Sessom Creek and replacing a wastewater main. This project should be completed by the Summer of 2023. The Sessom/Academy Street & Drainage improvement is replacing utilities, adding drainage, and adding a signal at the Sessom & Academy intersection. This project will also install the bike lanes with the final phase of construction and should be completed by the Summer of 2024.
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