Item 06: Rio Vista Drainage Improvements

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2023‑202R, approving a Change in Service No. 2 to a professional design contract with Doucet & Associates for the provision of Rio Vista Drainage Improvements design engineering, bid and construction phase services in an amount not to exceed $79,957.50; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the appropriate documents to implement the Change in Service; and declaring an effective date.​


CoSM Members
Why were these construction projects not done as part of the large Rio Vista project done a few years ago?
Did we not know the need for them?
I know this is CDBG-DR dollars but that doesn't change the need.


Staff member
Response provided by Shaun Condor, Director of Engineering & Capital Improvement:
This location is outside the limits of the Rio Vista neighborhood project that was completed over 10 years ago. The scope of the design was most likely completed 15-20 years ago. I believe the limits were determined based off the natural drainage of the neighborhood, but I am making an assumption based off how we typically scope projects. The location for the current project is on the opposite side of the tracks and drains to a different location due to the railroad track; as indicated on the attached. It is safe to assume the need for this project would have been around when Rio Vista was scoped in 2000.


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