Item 08: License Plate Reader Cameras

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2024-102R, authorizing the submission of the Taskforce Grant Application to the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority in the amount of $55,900.00 to support the addition of ten (10) license plate reader cameras; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute any and all documents as needed to apply for, accept, implement, decline, modify, or cancel the grant, if awarded; and declaring an effective date.
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CoSM Members
Background Info, second paragraph, first sentence is incomplete.
"The grant proposal, which requires approval of the attached Resolution."
What are we missing? OR should "which" be deleted?


Staff member
Response provided by Hayden Migl, Director of Administrative Services:

The statement should read "The grant proposal requires approval of the attached Resolution."

I thought I had caught it in time to make that change, but I guess not.
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