There are a few odd things about this item.
The staff recommendation on page 426 is exactly the same as the condition approved. It has "page 2 of 2" so it doesn't look like there is more info. The ARF doesn't address what the appeal is all about, the neighbors concerns, and their request which is clear.
I thought I might find more info in the presentation. The condition is shown on page 432 and matches the text on page 426. The appeal letter on page 434 is interesting in where it notes information was sent on time for the packet, yet wasn't included in the packet. It is clear that there is more to the letter, but only page 1 of the letter is in the packet. It is followed by a page of the LDC, that I assume was part of the letter, then 3 blank pages after an "out of memory" notice on my computer. I can find the content of these pages in the packet online so I found their request and Ms. Hernandez's notification that she had received it. I didn't not find the rest of the pages that should follow page 434. Next is the CUP summary and other pages that appear to be the original application for the PZC. Finally on page 460 is the notice of a public hearing which is the one on this agenda.
So, what is the staff recommendation regarding the appeal?