Item 19: Fiscal Year 24-25 Operating Budget

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Staff member
Receive a staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2024-40, adopting an operating budget in the amount of $342,578,537.00 for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025; authorizing certain adjustments to the budget with the approval of the City Manager; approving fiscal year 2024-2025 Capital Improvements Program Projects in the amount of $84,855,000.00; including procedural provisions; and declaring an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2024-40, on the first of two readings.


CoSM Members
What has changed from the last presentation to this one?
There is something wrong with the text in the table on page 460 of the packet. The numbers are not lined up on the right, there are $ on top of numbers, and the end is cut off.
Page 462, how did the * new positions get funded? How did they reduce operating expenses or increase revenues in each case?
Where is the admin clerk (department)?
These were not on the list at the previous meeting.
Is the intern half funded by HOT related to the .5 person for HOT?
What are the two positions in the ARPA fund?


Staff member
Response provided by Jon Locke, Director of Finance:
What has changed from the last presentation to this one?
Nothing within the budget has changed since the August 20th meeting. This presentation is providing a summarized look at the City’s overall fund summary, budget highlights, and next steps for getting the budget adopted.

There is something wrong with the text in the table on page 460 of the packet. The numbers are not lined up on the right, there are $ on top of numbers, and the end is cut off.
Apologies, this is the same table as slide 3 (page 466) from the Proposed Budget Public Hearing presentation. I’ve re-pasted it here as well.

Page 462, how did the * new positions get funded? How did they reduce operating expenses or increase revenues in each case?
Plumber – reduced facility maintenance
Streets Supervisor – combination of growth in solid waste hauler permit fee and available capacity with annual revenue from the fee
Administrative Clerk – reduced contracted services-temp labor
Business Retention & Expansion Coordinator – reduced Greater San Marcos Partnership contract
One additional FTE from converting 2 part-time to full-time Parking Technicians –

Where is the admin clerk (department)?
The administrative clerk will be added to the Code Compliance division of Neighborhood Enhancement

These were not on the list at the previous meeting.
Is the intern half funded by HOT related to the .5 person for HOT?
Thank you for catching this as this was an error, the intern is 100% General Fund. The intern was added to help support the reclassification of the Special Events Coordinator, which is split 50/50 between the General Fund and Hotel Occupancy Tax. This was inadvertently left off the new positions list previously

What are the two positions in the ARPA fund?
Downtown Grounds Specialist in the Main Street department
Second IT Security Analyst in the Information Technology department
Both positions will be absorbed by the General Fund in Fiscal Year 27
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Staff member
Response provided by Jon Locke, Director of Finance:
During the September 3rd Council meeting, a Councilmember asked what the annual increase is in the Resource Recovery contracts. The annual increase is 3% for both the TDS and Green Guy contracts.
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