08. Provision of Services on 2.1 Acres, 5900 Block of S IH-35

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2021-215R, approving an agreement for the provision of services in connection with the proposed owner requested annexation, in Case Number
AN-21-06, of approximately 2.1 acres of land, generally located in the 5900 Block of S IH-35; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute said agreement on behalf of the City; setting a date for a Public Hearing concerning the proposed annexation of said tract of land; and declaring an effective date.


CoSM Members
What about the large gas station already in place at the entrance to Trace? Is this the next property south to Trace? Trace isn't marked on the map.
Please be ready with the land use matrix as to what is allowed in HC. I know this is just annexation but since the HC was noted in the packet, there will likely be questions.
The document shows that the owner has signed that they decline the offer of a Development Agreement, but yet, there it is on the very next page. ??? Why do we have it?


Staff member
Responses to Mayor Hughson, provided by Shannon Mattingly, Director of Planning & Development:
What about the large gas station already in place at the entrance to Trace? Is this the next property south to Trace? Trace isn't marked on the map. Please see the attached map indicating the Trace gas station.
Please be ready with the land use matrix as to what is allowed in HC. I know this is just annexation but since the HC was noted in the packet, there will likely be questions. Please see the attached land use matrix which will be in the planning and zoning commission and city council packet for the zoning request associated with the annexation.
The document shows that the owner has signed that they decline the offer of a Development Agreement, but yet, there it is on the very next page. ??? Why do we have it? We have been instructed by Legal to always include the Development Agreement template as an attachment to the offer of a Development Agreement signature page.


  • ZC-21-17 Land Use Matrix Comparison.pdf
    547.3 KB · Views: 437
  • ZC-21-17 Aerial with Trace.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 275
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