Agenda Item 16: Conveyance of City-owned Lots for Affordable Housing

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Staff member
Receive a staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2021-24, authorizing the conveyance, at no cost, of City-owned lots located at 404 Broadway (also addressed as 501-503 Parkdale Drive), 300 Herndon, 318 Shady Lane and 207 South Comanche (also addressed as 213 South Comanche) to qualified buyers under applicable Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Grant Programs for the purpose of constructing affordable single-family homes using Grant Funds under such programs; authorizing the City Manager or his designee, to execute contracts, deeds and associated closing document necessary for the conveyance of these lots under terms as allowed under said Grant programs on behalf of the City; including procedural provisions; and providing an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2021-24 on the first reading.


CoSM Members
When will the re-zoning of the former fire station, current zoned P-Public, to a zoning district that is compatible with the neighborhood be presented to us? We don't want to miss this step.


Council Member
I live at 314 Shady Lane, will I need to recuse myself from the full item or just those that are near my home?

Can we discuss the reality that there are other properties we could build similar homes on if the School Board would reconsider a partnership on various properties, they have liens on? Since they last discussed this in 2018, we have sense completed our 'Housing for All' committee recommendations and in light of the pandemic that followed; did that change their mind?


CoSM Members
*1st preference is CDBG-DR but HOME funds may also be used, - how much $$ do we have from HOME?


Staff member
Responses provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:

When will the re-zoning of the former fire station, current zoned P-Public, to a zoning district that is compatible with the neighborhood be presented to us? We don't want to miss this step.
This property has the option of being rezoned or applying for a Conditional Use Permit (single family is “C” in P zoning). If City Council approves the donation of the properties, as the next steps staff will order title confirmations on all the properties, then proceed with obtaining entitlements such as proper zoning/platting. All steps will be completed with a sense of urgency.

I live at 314 Shady Lane, will I need to recuse myself from the full item or just those that are near my home? This question was sent to Michael Cosentino and Sam Aguirre in the Legal department.

Can we discuss the reality that there are other properties we could build similar homes on if the School Board would reconsider a partnership on various properties, they have liens on? Since they last discussed this in 2018, we have sense completed our 'Housing for All' committee recommendations and in light of the pandemic that followed; did that change their mind? Response pending.

*1st preference is CDBG-DR but HOME funds may also be used, - how much $$ do we have from HOME? The amount is not currently available. The contract with the TDHCA HOME program does not state an amount. It is dependent on funds available at the time the City begins its HOME housing program. It is staff’s understanding that Cities with similar contracts have been able to complete 4-7 houses in the past.
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