Item 01: Buffered Bike Lane Project

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Staff member
Receive a staff presentation regarding the Craddock Avenue Buffered Bike Lane Pilot Project and provide direction to staff.


CoSM Members
Is this just an update or are we asking to keep the bike lanes permanently? Is there a mill/overlay or other project looming?


Staff member
Response provided by Sabas Avila, Director of Public Works:

Mayor Hughson:
Is this just an update or are we asking to keep the bike lanes permanently?
City staff will provide the results of the pilot project and request City Council direction to either remove the bike lanes or keep the bike lanes permanently.

Is there a mill/overlay or other project looming?
No project is looming or pending on Craddock Avenue. A mill and overlay project was completed prior to the Craddock Avenue bike lane pilot project. The bike lane striping was completed with temporary paint.
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