Responses provided by Marie Kalka, Director of Finance:
You've listed the Budget Gap for FY22 as $2.9M and our personnel requests to keep up with growth and continue to provide core services only is more than $5M. Capital Outlay requests are at about $5M as well. How much of the Capital outlay requests can our budget fund, since we are already short by about $8M with the gap and personnel requests? Is it too early for an estimate? The $2.9M General Fund gap does not include any of the personnel or capital outlay requests. Our goal at the end of day is to close this gap, fund some high priority personnel requests and fund the majority of the capital outlay requests using fund balance (based on we had budgeted using nearly $2.8M and we anticipate not having to use) This keeps with the philosophy that one-time revenues should only be used for one-time expenses. In regards to the other funds, we will be working to incorporate as many of the requests as possible but no final decisions have been made.
-Is TIRZ #2 the Blanco Vista TIRZ? Yes
-On Senior Tax exemptions, where does the additional household savings of $59.30 per year come from? It is basically the $10,000 (additional exemption)/$100*.5930 (our current tax rate) = $59.30