Receive a staff presentation and hold discussion regarding Fiscal Year 2023 budget process update, FY23 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and multi-year debt financing plan.
There were a number of requests and questions asked at the May 17 work session during the Capital Improvement Program presentation. Below are the staff responses:
Add the Plaza Park/City Park Pedestrian Bridge Repairs to CIP;
This was completed and can be found on the current FY 2023 CIP saved on the Engineering/CIP webpage. A copy of this specific request is also attached.
Stormwater Fee – Do we have a process in place when a homeowner disconnects utilities we will know and do what we need to do?
Yes, this process is in place. If the property is a rental, the stormwater fee will be added to the utility bill. If a tenant disconnects utilities or the property does not have a utility bill, the stormwater fee is sent directly to the property owner.
Submit a drainage area map of Bishop Street.
See attached.
How can the schedule for Bishop/Belvin drainage improvements be expedited and will the CIP need to be updated?
We have requested SMEU to start the utility design work immediately instead of waiting on the 60% submittal in August. This will reduce the schedule by 2 months.
The consultant and staff can’t reduce their duration due to existing workloads.
Staff will make it a priority to keep this project moving forward, but there are too many factors associated with the other tasks to reduce the durations at this time.
Once the 60% submittal is approved, the schedule will be reviewed/revised as warranted. The critical path at this time is utility work, which is dependent on the 60% design submittal.
See attached for original schedule and compressed schedule.
Provide update on new gauge/floodgate purchase and provide a map.
We are in the process of advertising this project and construction is expected to occur this fall and take about 3-4 months to complete.
See attached map for locations.
Report of when tax abatements begin rolling off.
We are tracking 10 Chapter 380 Agreements. (Best Buy is on the summary but no longer active). Amounts in blue are estimated, as no reports have been received from the business as of today.
Amazon goes through 2027 with possible 5 year extension to 2032. Corvac ends in 2025. Epic Piping, Tanger, Cooperative Laundry, and Clovis Barker end in 2026. Urban Mining and 320 Barnes end in 2027. HEB agreement ends in 2030 and Springtown in 2031.
Plaza ParkCity Park Pedestrian Bridge Repairs - CIP Information.pdf