Item 02: Approved Fiscal Year 22 Capital Improvement Projects

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Staff member
Receive staff presentation regarding Approved FY22 CIP Projects and related funding; including proposed issuance of debt - 2022 Certificates of Obligation Issuance; and provide direction to staff.


CoSM Members
Usually in the ARF we are reminded of when we last approved something. Please remind me where I can find the one year list of the CIP we approved last fall. That would be “approving fiscal year 2021-2022 Capital Improvements Program Projects” that was in the caption, but I can only find the full 10 year project list in the packets for 9-7-21 and others. The full 10-year list is there, but not one that is just FY22. Same for the 9-21-21 packet. How do I view it when there are funds to be expended for part of the project in 2022 and not other parts such as the Briarwood water Imps. Water is $700K in 2022, but there is a stormwater component that doesn’t show expenses for 2022.

I ask again this year, as I do every year: Are there any items that have been added or deleted since we approved the CIP last fall? How do I find what is planned to be deleted? Is that the Canceled or Reduced Funding column? Or the FY22 Deferred Column? Does that mean deferred from FY22 to another year which would be deleted from the current list?

What about projects added? Everything has FY22 Approved CIP except for a few that were Prior Year Deferred. But what does that really mean and what happens when Prior Year Deferred is also Canceled or Reduced Funding in the same amount?

What are the sources of funding that are shown as “other funding?”


Council Member
Can staff explain the need for the police driving track? Is this something that the public could utilize in any way? Is it really cheaper to build one then to go somewhere for practice?


Staff member
Can staff explain the need for the police driving track? Is this something that the public could utilize in any way? Is it really cheaper to build one then to go somewhere for practice?
Response provided by Chase Stapp, Director of Public Safety:
The driving track behind the police department headquarters was first constructed in 1992 as part of the original construction project when the building was remodeled into our new (at that time) PD headquarters. At that time and still today we were fortunate to find a site suitable for construction of the track and also a shooting range. This type of training is critical but hard to come by for most agencies. Emergency driving is one of the most frequent yet dangerous activities performed by our officers. The track allows us to provide them with high quality emergency driving training to help improve their skills behind the wheel. These funds will be used to resurface the driving track and the parking lot around the building, both of which are in bad need of repair.

It would not be feasible to allow public access to the driving track for multiple reasons. First, the track is behind the new security fencing installed as part of the renovation project, so public access is limited unless someone grants access. Second, the city would be exposed to unnecessary liability in the event of a crash while a member of the general public was using the track. Also, opening up the track to the public would create a scheduling challenge for the police department and other nearby police agencies routinely.


Staff member
Usually in the ARF we are reminded of when we last approved something. Please remind me where I can find the one year list of the CIP we approved last fall. That would be “approving fiscal year 2021-2022 Capital Improvements Program Projects” that was in the caption, but I can only find the full 10 year project list in the packets for 9-7-21 and others. The full 10-year list is there, but not one that is just FY22. Same for the 9-21-21 packet. How do I view it when there are funds to be expended for part of the project in 2022 and not other parts such as the Briarwood water Imps. Water is $700K in 2022, but there is a stormwater component that doesn’t show expenses for 2022.

I ask again this year, as I do every year: Are there any items that have been added or deleted since we approved the CIP last fall? How do I find what is planned to be deleted? Is that the Canceled or Reduced Funding column? Or the FY22 Deferred Column? Does that mean deferred from FY22 to another year which would be deleted from the current list?

What about projects added? Everything has FY22 Approved CIP except for a few that were Prior Year Deferred. But what does that really mean and what happens when Prior Year Deferred is also Canceled or Reduced Funding in the same amount?

What are the sources of funding that are shown as “other funding?”
Response provided by Anna Miranda, Interim Director of Finance:
I believe only the 10 year plan was included in the ARF for the 9/7 and 9/21/21 meetings. I’ve attached the FY22 approved CIP to this email.

The starting point is the FY22 approved CIP of $51,150,003. Additions of $400k are requested for project 780 “Weatherization and Performance Hardening” under Water Utility projects, no other projects were added.

$1.8M in projects are canceled or reduced which include:
  • $100k reduction in funds required for project 712 “Downtown Pedestrian Safety & Comfort Improvements” under General Fund projects (slide 8)
  • $1.0M was deemed not needed for project 749 “Underground Electric Conversion”, it had been set up as a recurring funding requirement, but does not need to be replenished this year (slide 14)
  • $700k was canceled for project 600 “Kingwood and Sherwood Improvements”, funding is not needed until 2027-2029 and will be added back to CIP in 2027 (slides 15, 20, 24, and 28)

Deferred projects are being delayed at least another year due to our staff capacity for managing projects or delays in dependent projects or development. Deferred projects may be from FY22 or from a prior year deferral. These deferred projects are not deleted from the list, but removed from needing debt funding in FY22. When projects are deferred, they will be brought back to be considered for next year’s debt funding, they’re not removed from the list unless they in the canceled/reduced column.

Other funding sources include impact fees, TIRZ funding, grant funding and in the case of Water Supply, funded by debt issuance through Alliance Regional Water Authority (ARWA).


  • Copy of FY22 CIP list.xlsx
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