Item 02: Executive Session

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Staff member
The City Council will convene in executive session pursuant to the following sections of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code:
A. Sec. §551.071: Consultation with Attorney regarding pending litigation: 1) Money, et al vs. City of San Marcos, Civil Action No. 1:23-CV-718-RP, United States District Court, Western District, Austin Division; and 2) Cervini, et al vs City of San Marcos, Civil Action No. 1:21-CV-00568-RP United States District Court, Western District, Austin Division
B. Sec. §551: Economic Development: to receive a briefing and deliberate on Project Grand Slam
C. Sec. §551.089: Security devices or security audits, and Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney: to deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel, critical infrastructure, or security devices, and associated legal issues
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