Item 02: Grant Development Process

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Staff member
Receive a Staff presentation regarding the city’s grants development process and grant activity for Fiscal Year 2023.


CoSM Members
ARF notes the responsibilities of the two staff members. I don't see who is responsible for FINDING grants and then referring to the applicable department. Is there a central place for those who provide grant info to email that info?
What sources do we monitor regularly to see what is available?
How do we make that known across the city departments?

AND I would hope that should we come across a grant opportunity applicable to a local non-profit organization that we would advise them of that possibility. I am NOT suggesting that we take on any of the responsibility for that grant - just inform them.

Once we identify an opportunity, who generally is responsible for the data gathering and grant application completion?
When we are awarded a grant, who is responsible for grant reporting etc.?
One of our grant people or the applicable department?

In general, if we are denied a grant, do we look into why we were denied? OR, if they are public, look at those awarded to see how we can tell our story better next time?

My questions are not related to CDBG grants.
Slide 9/32 and 11/page 34
What timeframe does this cover?
Or is it as of today/FY24?
Of FY23?
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Staff member
Responses provided by Sandra Valenzuela, Grants Coordinator:
ARF notes the responsibilities of the two staff members. I don't see who is responsible for FINDING grants and then referring to the applicable department. Is there a central place for those who provide grant info to email that info?

Sandra Valenzuela will look at grants holistically for the city & forward. However, all departments monitor for grants through their professional contacts and forward to Sandra for the vetting process.
The grants coordinator seeks and identifies grants/funding opportunities based on strategic priorities and experience/knowledge/discussions with City Departments and staff and forwards appropriately. Additionally, Department staff may also learn of grant /funding opportunities through their professional affiliations/networks. If it is something they may be interested in, they are encouraged to route to the Grants Coordinator to review, discuss and assist with development.

What sources do we monitor regularly to see what is available?
The sources for identifying grants are multi-faceted. They include, but are not limited to department staff, executive management, professional colleagues/groups, and consultants sharing funding opportunities. Sources can include listservs, social media, news, professional associations and/or specific web searches for particular needs. Specific sources can include include, federal or state agency websites on social media, Candid, Grant Solutions, etc.

How do we make that known across the city departments?
Funding opportunities are shared with departments, particularly if a grant looks like it pertains to a strategic need in a dept. The Grants Coordinator meets regularly with departments to understand their needs and proactively look to address. This means looking ahead and not just thinking about a response to each grant notification. Some grants recur each year, so departments/Grants Staff begin to prepare and position prior to each opportunity’s deadline.

AND I would hope that should we come across a grant opportunity applicable to a local non-profit organization that we would advise them of that possibility. I am NOT suggesting that we take on any of the responsibility for that grant - just inform them.
This has not been typical because we have put other resources in place to assist non-profits. If it’s in an area that we have knowledge nonprofits may be needing assistance, we will forward to programmatic staff to share with their contacts in the field.

Once we identify an opportunity, who generally is responsible for the data gathering and grant application completion?
Once a grant has been discussed , determined viable to pursue and assistance is required, the Grant Coordinator may assemble a grants workgroup to develop and submit the proposal. A workplan is developed and responsibilities assigned to complete the application. Responsibilities fluctuate, but typically it is a collaborative effort with the department, such as with inclusion of data. Data collection and post-award monitoring reside primarily with the department since department staff serve as Project Director/Lead on a particular grant-funded program/project.

When we are awarded a grant, who is responsible for grant reporting etc.? One of our grant people or the applicable department?
Financial reporting goes through the grant staff in Finance. The department, with assistance from Sandra, will respond on any non financial reporting.

In general, if we are denied a grant, do we look into why we were denied? OR, if they are public, look at those awarded to see how we can tell our story better next time?
Yes. We will also track if there will be a repeat of the grant call next year so that we can be prepared to reapply.
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