Item 02: Strategic Housing Action Plan


Staff member
Receive a Staff presentation and hold a discussion regarding the Strategic Housing Action Plan and provide direction to staff.


CoSM Members
Regarding direction, on page 52 or the packet I find
1. Staff proposes making minor updates to the SHAP in order to:
a. Reflect updated Census data in an appendix; and
b. Reflect the process to-date through minor text amendments
Regarding 1 b. - Reflect the process to-date through minor text amendments.
Please advise of the page number where I can find these. What I find are the PZC recommended amendments.

There is a slide on page 78 of the packet that also appears to be asking for direction but it is a little different.
Please advise of the exact direction sought.
Neither asks for direction on the PZC recommendations. We need to act on those.
P&Z Consideration
Recommended for approval with amendments in 2019
Staff to make Minor Edits to SHAP
Update data and process
Add Appendix with updated data
City Council
Consideration & Adoption

Where are the appendices noted in the original report?
Appendix A: San Marcos Housing Needs Assessment
Appendix B: Workforce Housing Task Force Meeting Materials
Appendix C: Housing Stories
Appendix D: Community Conversation Toolkit and Feedback

How many and what percentage of the cities in the Peer Cities Network have universities?

How many and what percentage of the cities in the Peer Cities Network have universities where the university enrollment is almost half the city population?

Would it be easy to provide the list of LIHTC apartment complexes since 1/1/2019 along with the number of apartments per income category? I’m sure staff has them organized and I would have to search years of city council packets. I don’t need any action such as placing them all into a spreadsheet. Just a copy of the information for each will do.


Staff member
Responses provided by Amanda Hernandez, Director of Planning & Development Services:
Regarding direction, on page 52 or the packet I find
1. Staff proposes making minor updates to the SHAP in order to:
a. Reflect updated Census data in an appendix; and
b. Reflect the process to-date through minor text amendments
Regarding 1 b. - Reflect the process to-date through minor text amendments.
Please advise of the page number where I can find these. What I find are the PZC recommended amendments.
Staff is seeking direction prior to making any changes to the document. An example of what could be changed to reflect process (Packet pg. 107): “The Housing Needs Assessment and varied form of public input over the last year received throughout the Plan development highlighted the growing housing challenges in San Marcos.”

There is a slide on page 78 of the packet that also appears to be asking for direction but it is a little different.
Please advise of the exact direction sought.
Neither asks for direction on the PZC recommendations. We need to act on those.
P&Z Consideration
Recommended for approval with amendments in 2019
Staff to make Minor Edits to SHAP
Update data and process
Add Appendix with updated data
City Council
Consideration & Adoption

The purpose of today’s presentation is only to bring City Council up to speed on where we left off and to ask for direction on where we should go next with the Strategic Housing Action Plan. Both pages 52 & 78 outline staff’s recommendation, but one is in summarized slide format. No action is proposed during work session today, we are only seeking direction. P&Z recommended changes will remain in the document as redlines until Council takes action at a future date.

Direction Points:
  1. Does City Council agree with staff’s proposal to make only minor updates to the plan in order to: redline the document with more recent data that can be easily replaced, include the additional appendix to reflect updated data that can not be easily replaced in the text, and update language which deals with process – see example above.
    1. If not, we would seek direction on what Council would like us to do next in reference to updating the data and / or document.
  2. Is City Council ok with staff placing this on a future agenda for discussion / action?
    1. If not, what other direction does Council have for staff with regard to this plan?
Where are the appendices noted in the original report?
Appendix A: San Marcos Housing Needs Assessment
Appendix B: Workforce Housing Task Force Meeting Materials
Appendix C: Housing Stories
Appendix D: Community Conversation Toolkit and Feedback
They are located on the website here. No changes are proposed to these appendices, so staff did not include them in the packet.

How many and what percentage of the cities in the Peer Cities Network have universities?
8 out of 9 peer cities (88%) have a college or university.

How many and what percentage of the cities in the Peer Cities Network have universities where the university enrollment is almost half the city population?
Staff does not have this data.

Would it be easy to provide the list of LIHTC apartment complexes since 1/1/2019 along with the number of apartments per income category? I’m sure staff has them organized and I would have to search years of city council packets. I don’t need any action such as placing them all into a spreadsheet. Just a copy of the information for each will do.
This information can be found on the website here: The data behind the map is in a table (we are updating this table and will get if over as soon as we can)


  • LIHTC 2019-present.xlsx
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