Response to Mayor Hughson, provided by Purchasing Manager, Lynda Williams:
The resolution says amount of $25,000. The ARF shows ESTIMATED annual amount of $25,000.
The Resolution should state “estimated” as a need could occur for additional services.
The previous change was $28,706.69.
Assuming the new Public Services Complex is included, one might assume it will be higher.
Yes, the annual amount includes the PSC.
Under what conditions can it change?
Pest Management under this agreement has increased due added services such as rodent management and added treatments.
If it does, will that be a budget issue?
Contract is not in the packet.
The contract amendment is included in this packet (ACIS#8).
Response to CM Baker provided by Sandy, McKenzie Public Works Coordinator:
To what extent do we require the pest company to use environmentally safe products and ensure that they are not subject to runoff into the river?
Per contract stipulations, the City mandates the following requirements to ensure environmentally safe product use:
- All chemical agents used in providing pest control services will conform to all federal, state, and City laws, regulations, and ordinances (Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Protection of Environment which includes EPA regulation of pesticides in the United States; Texas Title 12, Chapter 1951 Texas Structural Pest Control, Texas Agriculture Code Title 5, Chapter 76 Pesticide and Herbicide Regulations, Chapter 765 §5.06. Hays County Development Regulations).
- All materials used must be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and comply with all Federal, State and Local regulations. All pesticides shall be applied according to registered label directions. No pesticides shall be stored on City premises.
- Experienced, qualified, properly licensed/certified personnel, properly trained to perform the services required. Licenses and Registrations will be renewed as required by the Texas Department of Agriculture. Renewal information will be provided to the Project Manager.
- The Vendor/Contractor will have experience in the installation, handling, and disposal of the products associated with pest control services.
- Specified services shall be performed by a Company with a minimum of three (3) years’ experience or documented experience specializing in this type of work. Vendor/Contractor shall hold all proper and current licenses and bonds. In addition, the contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits and inspections as applicable.
Additionally, City staff monitors pest control activities for compliance.