Item 04: Rezoning 9.66 Acres of Land West of Centerpoint Road and Centerpoint Count Intersection

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Staff member
Consider approval of Ordinance 2021-42, on the second of two readings, amending the official zoning map of the city in Case No. ZC-21-07 by rezoning approximately 9.66 acres of land, generally located 1,050 feet West of the of the Centerpoint Road and Centerpoint Court intersection, from “GC” General Commercial and “FD” Future Development Districts to “CD-5” Character District-5, or subject to consent of the owner, another less intense
zoning district classification; including procedural provisions; and providing an effective date.


CoSM Members
What happened to this?
MOTION TO AMEND: a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Derrick, seconded by Council Member Baker to make the effective date of the ordinance coincide with the creation and approval of restrictive covenants that prohibit structures greater than 3 stories in height. The motion to amend carried by the following vote:
6 ‑ Mayor Pro Tem Derrick, Mayor Hughson, Council Member Baker, Council Member Gonzales, Council Member Garza and Council Member Gleason
Against: 1 ‑ Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Scott

It's in the staff report but I don't find it in the Ordinance document which is all that's important at the end of the day. If I'm wrong, please note where it is.


Staff member
Response provided by Tammy Cook, Interim City Clerk:
Please note the Ordinance has been updated to reflect it will go into effect upon approval of restrictive covenants. These two attachments have been uploaded into the PDF Packet and will be uploaded online shortly.

Pages 165-166 – Ordinance
Pages 169-172 – Exhibit B “Restrictive Covenants”

This is the version you will be considering this evening. Apologies for the late entry!


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  • Parchaus FD to CD5 Zoning Ordinance Second Reading with Building Height Restriction.docx
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