Item 06: Library Services to Residents of Hays County

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2023-179R, approving a contract with Hays County for the city’s provision of library services to residents of Hays County; authorizing the city manager, or her designee, to execute the contract on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.


CoSM Members
The county knows that the population is growing. I hope that they will accept the population increases next year and increase this funding for all the libraries in the county. No question here other than perhaps the process we use and the data we provide to the county in our request.


Staff member
Response provided by Diane Insley, Director of Library:
Attached is the letter to Judge Becerra with the per capita funding, which has decreased every year since FY2010. Also linked here is the San Marcos Public Library request. All five library directors met with Judge Becerra in-person before the budget process began and asked him to include a line item for county library services in the budget for FY2024, rather than competing for social service funding. Hays County did not increase social service funding this year. Each library director also contacted their commissioner and requested support for a line item and an increase in budget allotment.


  • FY2024 Letter to Judge with comparison chart.docx
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