Item 07: Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Estimator Services

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2023-125R, approving contracts with Intangible Resources and Enso Inspections, PLLC, for Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Estimator Services in the combined annual amount of $200,000.00; authorizing the City Manager or her designee, to execute said contracts on behalf of the City; and declaring an effective date.


CoSM Members
I see the bids and I understand wanting to use both contractors to get this program moving. Thank you.
However, I see on the bids that the higher bidder is lower for a few of the particular items. Will we assign the work, as available, to them per the items on which they are lower?


Staff member
Response provided by Amanda Hernandez, Director of Planning & Development Services:

However, I see on the bids that the higher bidder is lower for a few of the particular items. Will we assign the work, as available, to them per the items on which they are lower?
All items must be done by the same contractor for each house. Staff’s plan is to assign as much as we can to the inspector with the lower total bid price, and when they are at capacity we will roll the next houses over to the bidder with the higher prices to keep the program moving.
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