Responses provided by Pete Binion, Assistant Director of Public Works:
What part of the City of Martindale is in the SM UZA? Attached is a map of the San Marcos Urbanized Area for reference. The SM UZA does include a small portion of City of Martindale.
Pg 11 of the report - I Employee Safety Reporting Program – 673.23(b)
To which employees does this apply? Just those in Transit, bus drivers, or ALL City employees? This does not apply to All City employees. The Plan applies to City transit staff (3 employees) and the City’s contracted services staff for transit operations and maintenance, which are Capital Area Rural Transportation System staff. This City of San Marcos Safety Plan applies to CARTS employees through the City’s Interlocal Agreement with CARTS.
I can see that much of this applies to those in the department, but is there any responsibility to other employees who are driving city vehicles on our roads to report anything? I'm looking at pg 12 which appears the all employees are to take some responsibility. "In general, the City of San Marcos ESRP will ensure that all employees are encouraged to report safety conditions directly to senior management or their direct Supervisor for elevation to senior management. The policy will include any contract employees." (Similar text is in the 2020 version.) This Safety Plan reporting requirements are only for City transit employees and contracted services staff such as bus drivers. The City’s Employee Handbook and associated policies address safety procedures for all City employees.
What would be included? Street conditions that could contribute to an accident? Tree limbs obstructing view of stop signs? Other? Transit employees and bus drivers are encouraged to report any unsafe conditions related to transit operations. That could include conditions on roads, in the rights-of-ways, on the transit vehicles or in the San Marcos Bus Station. Examples include unsafe pavement conditions, low hanging tree branches, wet floors in the San Marcos Bus Station, and lacking proper Personal Protective Equipment on vehicles. The City’s Streets division work to alleviate safety conditions on roads and the rights-of-ways.
If so, is this currently part of orientation? CARTS provides safety orientation for new bus drivers and hosts quarterly safety meetings with their team to address safety concerns as they arise. City transit staff attends quarterly safety meeting with the Public Works department which includes safety training and review of safety incidents in the previous quarter.
Exactly what is expected of all employees in this regard? We would expect all transit staff for the City and CARTS to report and work to avoid any unsafe conditions related to transit operations. The Plan also outlines reporting processes City staff must adhere to if there is a safety incident which involves a transit vehicle, operator, or passenger.