Consider approval of Resolution 2021-110R, approving a contract with Rush Truck Center for the purchase of two dump trucks in the amount of $308,442.30 and one semi-tractor in the amount of $147,231.95 through the BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative (Contract No. 601-190) and a contract for the purchase of a trailer from Cooper Equipment Company in the amount of $92,840.35 through the BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative (Contract No. 599-19) and a contract for the purchase of one roadway patcher in the amount of $204,376.00 from Santex Truck Centers, Ltd. through the HGACBuy Purchasing Cooperative (Contract No. HT06-20), for a total expenditure in the amount of $752,890.60 for the purchase of capital equipment for use by the Streets Division of the Public Works Department; authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute the contracts on behalf of the City; and declaring an effective date.