Item 08: Purgatory Creek Improvements - Trails

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2023-89R, supporting the City’s application for the Purgatory Creek Improvements - Trails project to the Texas Department of Transportation’s 2023 Transportation Alternatives Set-aside (TA) call for projects; and declaring an effective date.


CoSM Members
I can find a project page for # 679 but NOT for # 748. I Looked in the 2023 book and the draft 2024 book. I find both projects on the list, just not the project page for #748
Please advise.

Why doesn't the application show responses to item #3, are we within an MPO? (pg 166 of packet)
Application states project name to be: San Marcos Shared Use Pathway and the map at #7 also appears to be the SUP. I think this is attached to the wrong agenda item. However, the question about item #3 remains.
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Staff member
Response provided by Shaun Condor, Director of Engineering/CIP:
The CIP only includes detailed project sheets for projects show in the first 3 years of the CIP. Project 748 does not have funding shown until FY 2028, so it does not have a detailed sheet.
I pulled the application in Legistar and it does show an answer for #3. Yes, we are within the MPO. The application is a TXDOT form and I am guessing it did not merge properly when everything was combined.
Photo attached.
It appears the packet was prepared using the San Marcos Shared Use Pathway Application Document 3 times. I verified it was attached to the ARF in Legistar correctly. I don’t know how the Packet is created but it did not pick up the correct attachments. I am attaching all 3 application for your use.


  • MPO image.jpg
    MPO image.jpg
    69.9 KB · Views: 87
  • Purgatory Creek Trails - 2023 TA Application.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 144
  • San Marcos Shared Use Path - 2023 TA Application.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 150
  • Old RR12 Bike and Ped Widening - 2023 TA Application.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 149
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