Item 09: Sessom Creek Middle Reach Restoration Project - Engineering Services

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2022-84R, authorizing a Change in Service to the professional services agreement with John Gleason, LLC for engineering services for the Sessom Creek Middle Reach Restoration Project in the amount of $45,000.00 relating to infrastructure designs that accommodate wastewater improvements and landscaping services for a total contract price of $94,995.00; authorizing the City Manager or her designee to execute the appropriate documents to implement the Change in Service on behalf of the City; and declaring an effective date.


CoSM Members
Could we have a locator map about this project?
I'm looking at street names. I see "Locust" which I suspect should be "Loquat" and Cherry and Elm aren't on any real maps. I'm not sure which part of Sesson this is unless it really is Loquat.


Staff member
Could we have a locator map about this project?
I'm looking at street names. I see "Locust" which I suspect should be "Loquat" and Cherry and Elm aren't on any real maps. I'm not sure which part of Sesson this is unless it really is Loquat.
Please see attached map, provided by Shaun Condor, Interim Director of Engineering & CIP.


  • Sessom-LocationMap20220429 (002)_Optimized.pdf
    702.4 KB · Views: 1,402
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