Consider approval of Resolution 2021-81R, approving an agreement with Carma Blanco
Vista, LLC providing for the city to purchase a 0.71 acre tract of land located in the Blanco
Vista subdivision for a price of $210,000.00, together with associated closing costs, for the
location of a water tower to serve as a delivery point for water from the Alliance Regional
Water Authority to the City’s water system; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee,
to execute said agreement and associated closing documents; and declaring an effective
Vista, LLC providing for the city to purchase a 0.71 acre tract of land located in the Blanco
Vista subdivision for a price of $210,000.00, together with associated closing costs, for the
location of a water tower to serve as a delivery point for water from the Alliance Regional
Water Authority to the City’s water system; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee,
to execute said agreement and associated closing documents; and declaring an effective