Response provided by Rey Garcia, Senior Engineer:
This project currently proposes waterline and drainage improvements that benefit land that is both in and out of the City limits. Waterline improvements include abandoning an existing 2” water main located behind residential homes and installing a new 8” line located in the front. This will benefit an area outside the City limits that is currently being served with City water and is fully funded with water-wastewater funds. Due to specific requirements of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) related to construction this portion of the project will be separated from the drainage portion.
Hays County is not participating financially to this project. The drainage component of the project was identified in the Stormwater Master Plan but was not ranked high enough to be prioritized using CDBG/DR funds. The area inside Hays County includes a private road, Briarwood Court, and sixteen adjoining residential lots. This area is entirely bound by City limits creating a “donut hole” rectangular shape adjacent to UP railroad. See map below. The drainage area that contributes to localized flooding within the “donut hole” and the surrounding area is also both inside and outside City limits. Drainage improvements will benefit both the City and County and anticipated construction funding is from the City and TWDB. An application for construction funding has been submitted to the TWDB and consists of a $1.2M grant and 0% loan for $1.2M. These funds will cover the drainage scope of work and scheduled to become available this summer with construction starting late this year.