Item 11: Speed Limit in Forest Hills Subdivision

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Staff member
Consider approval of Ordinance 2021-85, on the first of two readings, reducing the speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour along the streets in the Forest Hills Subdivision; authorizing the installation of signs and traffic control devices reflecting the new speed limit; directing that the traffic register maintained under Section 82.067 of the San Marcos City Code be amended to reflect the new speed limit; and including procedural provisions.


CoSM Members
There were questions, answers, and responses to the bike lane , shoulder, and sharrow questions. Are there any plans as a result of those responses?
It seems that a number of people would like the shoulder striping to ensure they can walk safely, as safely as it is when walking next to a street and not a sidewalk.


Staff member
Response to Mayor Hughson, provided by Interim Director of Public Works, Sabas Avila:
Based on the neighborhood responses, Public Works will install shoulders and bike sharrows. Shoulders and bike sharrows will not impact on-street parking. Shoulder striping and bike sharrows do not require city ordinance for installation.
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