Consider approval of Resolution 2023-69R, approving agreements for the following purchases for use by the Utilities Department: a 2023 John Deere 210P Track Hoe from RDO Equipment Co. through Sourcewell Contract #032119-JDC in the amount of $351,862.84, a Peterbilt 548 Dump Truck from Rush Truck Center through Buyboard Contract #601-19 in the amount of $170,361.94, a General XP 4 1000 Ultimate Polaris from Polaris Sales, Inc. through Sourcewell Contract #122220-PSI in the amount of $30,155.62, an FT-60-4LP Trailer 3 Axle Haul Trailer from Felling Trailers Inc. through Sourcewell Contract #092922-FTS in the amount of $64,736.68, and a 2023 John Deere 325G Skid Steer from RDO Equipment Co. through Sourcewell Contract #032119-JDC in the amount of $74,824.68, all for a total amount of $829,198.72, inclusive of interest for financing; authorizing the City Manager or her designee to execute the agreements on behalf of the City; and declaring an effective date.
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