Response provided by Amanda Hernandez, Director of Planning & Development Services:
Page 439 of the packet, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – Furthering the goal of the Core 4 through the three strategies section. For the item Competitive Infrastructure & Entrepreneurial Regulation which purpose is Provides / Encourages land, utilities, and infrastructure for business, the box checked is "neutral" - why wouldn't it be "supports?" I think that all 3 items cold be "supports" - I am not understanding why they are just "neutral."
Staff almost always provides a neutral response to these three because it is hard to say with certainty that any project will absolutely do these things. To #2, the studio is planned to be self-sufficient, so it likely won’t provide land for business beyond its own use and infrastructure is already in place. It could be stated that the land for the use itself “supports” this part of the plan element, which would not be an incorrect statement. To the other items, the studio MAY provide educational opportunities (#1) and MAY provide fair wage jobs (#3), but we would not know until they did these things. In general, staff review of comp plan elements and review criteria are only one view and P&Z / City Council could reasonably have different opinions.
Page 440, Under Neighborhoods, it's correctly stated, as of today, that is it outside the city limits. But at the time we vote that actually rezones it, it will be in the city limits, correct? Why wouldn't we note the neighborhood and just make a notation of "upon annexation" or similar?
The table should state the area is within the La Cima CONA Boundary, I believe we received updated boundaries recently and will make sure my staff knows to check the newer maps. As for the Neighborhood Commission Sector, it appears this will be part of Sector 2, but I will have to verify how that process of expanding the boundary upon annexation works. I will try to have an answer for this at the meeting this evening.