Response to CM Baker, provided by Chief Standridge:
The partnership agreement is between the Friends of the Family Justice Center (FFJC) Board (which is the governing board of the Family Justice Center), Hays County ($45,000) and the City of San Marcos ($45,000) each year. This partnership agreement funds the FJC Program Director as well as support staff position. The support staff position will be filled once Victim Services staff return to the PD (they relocated due to renovation at the PD).
The FJC has representation from the DA’s Office, law enforcement based victim services, Law Enforcement (SMPD, Hays County SO), HCWC, and the SMPD Mental Health Unit is onsite to assist victims. The FFJC has been awarded a DVHRT (Domestic Violence Hight Risk Team) Coordinator grant who coordinates providing services with Victim Services to domestic violence clients (majority of the referrals to the DVHRT Coordinator are SMPD cases).
By the FJC being at the Village Main Building, there is also partnerships between the other agencies within this building and their services. For example, we have on several occasions, while assisting a victim complete/submit a crime victim compensation application and waiting for approval, sought the financial assistance through the Community Action Programs. We were able to complete all required paperwork while the victim is still at the FJC and able to meet with several people.
A good example of an Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon – Family Violence is when a victim was stabbed by her spouse. SMPD Victim Services Coordinator and the FJC – DVHRT Coordinator began working with the victim. For safety, she was at the HCWC shelter. She did not have transportation, so transportation was provided to the FJC. While at the FJC, she met with SMPD Victim Services and completed/submitted CVC application, met with DVHRT Coordinator and completed the protective order application, met with DA-Victim Assistance Coordinator to submit the PO application and learn about the CJ process. At a later date, she was provided transportation by the DVHRT Coordinator to medical follow-up with a surgeon. She has been provided follow-up services by the FJC-DVHRT Coordinator to include coordinator with the DA-Vac for additional charges, address confidentiality program enrollment, upon approval for CVC relocation, assistance with finding donated furniture and moving into her new apartment.
There has been several more cases that follow a similar story.
Through the DVHRT grant awarded to the FFJC, SMPD Victim Services Coordinator was able to attend the virtual Crime Against Women – Strangulation Series in 2020 and the Crimes Against Women Conference in 2021 free of charge.
During COVID, the FJC-DVHRT Coordinator provided services virtually. In person services resumed in July 2021.