Item 13: Authorizing On-Call List of Construction Companies - CDBG Housing Rehabilitation projects

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2022-81R, authorizing an on-call list of construction companies approved to contract with the City for CDBG Housing Rehabilitation projects to include Byrdson Services, LLC, TLI & Environmental Services, and DSW Homes, LLC; authorizing the City Manager or her designee to execute approved construction contracts on behalf of the City; and declaring an effective date.


Staff member
Response provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services:
On the bid tabulation form, what do the numbers represent? First column of numbers - hourly cost?
There appears to have been some confusion on the bid; staff requested clarification but the confusion remained. The first bidder appears to have provided a per hour amount; the other two appear to be per house. Staff believes this discrepancy can be resolved in the contracts resulting in all three contracts being equivalent.

Given the broad range of the bids, why are we contracting will all 3?
Staff is proposing awarding the contract to all three bidders because there is 1.4 million in current funding available, and this provides for flexibility to have rehabilitation and repair work completed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How are we going to find the people who need this service? Will we use permit data as one source?
Yes, we will use permit data for the reimbursement program.
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