Item 13: Rezoning Approximately 5.01 acres of Land at Intersection of E McCarty Lane & Hwy 123

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Staff member
Receive a staff presentation and hold a public hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2022-27, amending the Official Zoning Map of the City in Case ZC-22-08, by rezoning approximately 5.01 acres of land generally located at the intersection of E McCarty Lane and Hwy 123 from “LI”, Light Industrial Distric to “CM”, Commercial District, or, subject to the consent of the owner, another less intense zoning district classification, including procedural provisions; providing an effective date, and consider approval of Ordinance 2022-27 on the first of two readings.


Staff member
Response provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:
See attached.

Maps PZ – original request presented to P&Z
Maps CC – updated request


  • ZC-22-08 Maps CC (002).pdf
    778.3 KB · Views: 208
  • ZC-22-08 Maps PZ (002).pdf
    801.4 KB · Views: 253
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