Item 14: Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan

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Staff member
Receive a Staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2023 79, adopting the “Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan” as the Comprehensive Plan of the City of San Marcos, adopting the Preferred Scenario Map therein as the future land use map of the city; repealing prior ordinances which adopted and amended the previous comprehensive plan, “Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us” and the associated preferred scenario map designations and providing new associated designations from the preferred scenario map; including procedural provisions; and providing an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2023 79, on the first of two readings.


CoSM Members
Attached is the list of "Consideration" to "Objectives" that I mentioned at the last meeting. I'll be proposing these as amendments.

And to change the print from gray to black.

In the appendix, under Existing Source Documents, is listed "SMTX 4 All- Strategic Housing Action Plan; City of San Marcos, “Finalized” in 2019, Pending Adoption"
Will adoption of the Comp Plan mean adoption of this report?


  • Comp Plan proposed amendments Oct 19 2023 meeting FINAL.doc
    63.5 KB · Views: 78
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Staff member
Responses provided by Amanda Hernandez, Director of Planning & Development Services:
Attached is the list of "Consideration" to "Objectives" that I mentioned at the last meeting. I'll be proposing these as amendments. Staff will review and share any thoughts or concerns, if any.

And to change the print from gray to black. This can be done in the final version.

In the appendix, under Existing Source Documents, is listed "SMTX 4 All- Strategic Housing Action Plan; City of San Marcos, “Finalized” in 2019, Pending Adoption"
Will adoption of the Comp Plan mean adoption of this report?
No, the Strategic Housing Action Plan is a stand-alone document. Earlier this year City Council directed staff to update the data in the plan and open the document up for public comment. This can kick off after the Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Plan processes are complete.
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