Receive a Staff presentation and hold a Public hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2021-95, Levying Special Assessments for, and apportioning the costs of, certain improvements to property in and for the Whisper South Public Improvement District; fixing a charge and lien against all properties within the district, and the owners thereof; providing for the manner and method of collection of such assessments; making a finding
of special benefit to property in the district and the real and true owners thereof; approving a service and assessment plan; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date, and consider approval of Ordinance 2021-95, on the first of two readings.
of special benefit to property in the district and the real and true owners thereof; approving a service and assessment plan; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date, and consider approval of Ordinance 2021-95, on the first of two readings.