Item 15: Annexing 69 Acres Between I-35 South and Union Pacific Railroad Near Posey Road

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Staff member
Receive a staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Ordinance 2022-65, annexing into the City approximately 69.407 acres of land, generally located between I-35 South and the Union Pacific railroad, approximately 1,000 feet south of Posey Road in Case No. AN-22-12; including procedural provisions; and providing an effective date; and consider approval of Ordinance 2022-65, on the first of two readings.


Council Member
Hopefully you'll forgive me for just putting all of my questions about these agenda items here:

The map identifies a car dealership, do we know what other tenants they intend to have?
The map shows roads that lead presumably into the adjacent properties? Are they building new roads to connect, or is there for a time only one way in and out till future development occurs?
Does this map show more or less their total allowed impervious cover?
Do they anticipate needing any variances to their zoning if approved?


Council Member
The Railroad adjacent HI zoning, do we anticipate the sound traveling towards the neighborhood on the other side of the railroad? Does that zoning allow for sounds that would exceed the decibels of a train?


CoSM Members
Can we easily get the date that the property adjacent (HI) was zoned? Is it in a GIS layer somewhere?
Could we get a map of a larger area, especially to the north with existing zoning shown?
I'm curious as to when the adjacent property was zoned HI. If this cannot be found very quickly (less than 2 minutes), please disregard.


Staff member
Responses provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:
The map identifies a car dealership, do we know what other tenants they intend to have?
No, we do not know the final uses for this property.
The map shows roads that lead presumably into the adjacent properties? Are they building new roads to connect, or is there for a time only one way in and out till future development occurs? They will be required to connect to existing stub streets to the south. They will also be required to provide stub outs to the property to the north which will eventually connect when future development occurs.
Does this map show more or less their total allowed impervious cover? Staff has not calculated impervious cover on the proposed site plan – at the time of development each parcel will submit an engineered set of drawings and must meet the impervious cover limits within Code.
Do they anticipate needing any variances to their zoning if approved? Staff is not aware of any variances being sought.
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Staff member
The Railroad adjacent HI zoning, do we anticipate the sound traveling towards the neighborhood on the other side of the railroad? Does that zoning allow for sounds that would exceed the decibels of a train?
Response provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:
Trains have a decibel level of 96-110 (source: Google). The Noise standards in the Development Code do not permit over 85 decibels during the day and 75 at night.
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Staff member
Responses provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:
Can we easily get the date that the property adjacent (HI) was zoned? Is it in a GIS layer somewhere? H&H Industrial park was annexed in 2004 (Ord. 2004-27)
Could we get a map of a larger area, especially to the north with existing zoning shown? See attached.
I'm curious as to when the adjacent property was zoned HI. If this cannot be found very quickly (less than 2 minutes), please disregard. It does not appear to have been in 2004. Staff can research further if desired.


  • AN-22-12_ExistingZoning-Zoomed.pdf
    314.7 KB · Views: 268
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