Item 15: Blanco Gardens Drainage Improvements Project

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2023-159R, approving Change Order No. 2 for the contract with Santa Clara Construction, Ltd., for the Blanco Gardens Drainage Improvements Project in the amount of $1,964,712.71 for storm drain and river outfall construction; authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to execute the appropriate documents relating to the Change Order on behalf of the city; and declaring an effective date.


CoSM Members
What is the timeframe for the project, how much will this extend it?
What is the timeframe for the new parts?


Staff member
Response provided by Shaun Condor, Director of Engineering/CIP:
This change order will not extend the timeline of the project. The contract completion data is September 1, 2024 per the original contract signed in 2022 and that will not change with this change order. The only revision to the schedule with this change order is allowing certain milestones, or phase, to be competed at a later date then previous required by the contract.

Phase 1 is completed. The only work remaining in Phase 2 is along River Road and that will be completed by June 30, 2024. Phase 3 is also along River Road and will be completed by June 30, 2024. The Alley work shown in Phase 4 and will be completed by August 30, 2024. See attached for details.
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