Item 15: Opioid Class Action Lawsuit - Participation Form Submission

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2021-261R, authorizing the submission of a Subdivision Participation Form to the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to secure the
City’s participation in a class action lawsuit against multiple opioid distributers and manufacturers before the deadline of January 2, 2022; authorizing the City Manager or his
designee to execute all documents necessary related to signing on to the class action lawsuit; and declaring an effective date.


Council Member
Does accepting the settlement absolve the company of all future liability? Would not signing on allow us to pursue more substantive claims in the future or an agreement which causes Johnson and Johnson to accept wrongdoing?


Staff member
Response to Mayor Hughson provided by Chase Stapp, Director of Public Safety:
The attached document labeled “Exhibit E” describes in detail the many allowable uses for these funds. Thank you!


  • List of Opioid Remediation Uses.pdf
    273.7 KB · Views: 365
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