Item 16: Application for Low Income Housing Tax Credits - Whisper Hills

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Staff member
Receive a Staff presentation and hold a Public Hearing to receive comments for or against Resolution 2022-33R, providing no objection to the submission of an application for low income housing tax credits to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for the proposed LIV at Whisper Hills (55+) Multifamily Housing Project (LIHTC-21-02) located in the 500 Block of Celebration Way; approving findings related to the application;
imposing conditions for such non objection; approving an associated agreement under which the owner of the project will make an annual payment in lieu of taxes in the amount of $11,000 annually; providing authorization for the execution of said agreement and the execution and submission of documents related to the application; and declaring an effective date; and consider approval of Resolution 2022-33R.


Staff member
Response to CM Baker provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:
Attached is the unit mix with income information as well as the “Income Limits” document we have shared in the past. It doesn’t have the most updated info for San Marcos because we don’t have the 2020 ACS info yet from census (the last couple of columns are still 2019).


  • LIV at Whisper Hills Unit Mix.pdf
    122.9 KB · Views: 374
  • 2021 Income Limits Comparison Table - MASTER.pdf
    140.5 KB · Views: 297


CoSM Members
Can part of the funds that are proposed to go to the Housing Authority go into a fund to be managed by the city for our own affordable housing program? To build homes for sale (with future restrictions as we have discussed in the past)?
Is the process by which property tax dollars are waived and funds go to the Housing Authority an all-or-nothing process? Or can it be split in some way such as 50-50, 70-30, or other?
Analysis of item 6 is missing the number of times per week on page 562 of packet. In 8a and elsewhere it is stated at least 3 times per week.
What is the purpose of a "Porte-cochere" that it warrants one point?
Why not have Wi-Fi throughout the development? Will there be wired access points instead in each unit?


Staff member
Responses to Mayor Hughson provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:
Can part of the funds that are proposed to go to the Housing Authority go into a fund to be managed by the city for our own affordable housing program? To build homes for sale (with future restrictions as we have discussed in the past)? Is the process by which property tax dollars are waived and funds go to the Housing Authority an all-or-nothing process? Or can it be split in some way such as 50-50, 70-30, or other?
(There are a lot of moving parts with this project, so the response to these questions has been combined).
The proposal is for the Housing Authority to own the property, making it an all or nothing process with regard to tax exemption. The applicant stated they can address the terms of the agreement with the Housing Authority and these questions further at the meeting, if necessary, and added that the proposal is to use the fees acquired for maintenance and expanding social services to residents.

An agreement for providing funding to the City, if discussed on future projects, could be challenging because the city does not currently have a program structure or staff support in place to manage this type of funding. Building affordable homes for sale and other initiatives were discussed during the Strategic Housing Action Plan creation (one example being a Land Bank) and could become future tasks for staff once the plan is adopted.

Analysis of item 6 is missing the number of times per week on page 562 of packet. In 8a and elsewhere it is stated at least 3 times per week. Staff confirmed the applicant will provide shuttle service at least 3 times per week.

What is the purpose of a "Porte-cochere" that it warrants one point? A porte-cochere is one of the allowable “design/landscape” items in the list of common amenities established by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). While staff does not know the exact reasoning why TDHCA allows this as an optional amenity, it may be that it provides for a weather-proof area for drop-off and pick-up of residents, which is particularly useful for seniors with regards to safety from rain and typically provides overhead lighting for better visibility.

Why not have Wi-Fi throughout the development? Will there be wired access points instead in each unit? The applicant indicated wired access points will be available in each unit – WiFi can then be acquired by the tenant. WiFi is available in the Clubhouse/Leasing Office.
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