Response provided by Amanda Hernandez, Interim Director of Planning and Development Services:
Regarding Amendment 13, Cancel the Single Family Owner Occupied Reimbursement Activity ($1,000,000) and
Cancel the Rental Unit Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Activity ($659,013), I see that part of the reason we have these dollars unallocated is because owners would have to prove in 2022 that damage was done (and provide receipts for) a flood SEVEN YEARS prior.
I hope we don't have another devastating flood and end up here again, but we know that we will (maybe in another area). I hope if we do, there are federal dollars to help.
Please advise at a future date what we can do in the future so that we are able to assist our residents in a more timely manner.
If the dollars aren't here yet and we know they are coming, surely we can advise residents of what they will need to do so when the dollars are available (even on a reimbursement basis).
The ability to do this comes with experience with CDBG and HUD. We now have that experience and are aware that we’ll need to give residents information immediately about how best to prepare to apply for resources.
Side note: I will include the following table in the presentation: