Item 18: Appointment of Attorney for Hartman Appeal

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2022-42R, approving the appointment of attorney Julia Gannaway, with the law firm of Ross Gannaway LLC, to represent the City of San Marcos in the appeal filed by Sergeant Ryan Hartman requesting an arbitrator to set aside his indefinite suspension and reinstate him, with back pay and benefits, to employment in the San Marcos Police Department; and declaring an effective date.


Council Member
Is the process that allows him to request an appeal with a third party arbitrator a power granted to him through meet and confer and chapter 143?

This is one of the policy directions outlined in Campaign Zero to address to ensure that bad cops don't get reinstated. It specifically outlines that the arbitrators and panels used to make the decision not be other cops, can we confirm that the decision makers in this case are not current or former police officers?



Staff member
Response provided by Linda Spacek, Director of Human Resources:
Yes, this is the appeal process provided in Chapter 143. The arbitrator agreed on by both parties in this appeal has an academic background.
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