Consider approval of Ordinance 2021-97, authorizing the Issuance of the “City Of San Marcos, Texas Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2022 (Whisper South Public
Improvement District Project)”; Approving and Authorizing an Indenture of Trust, a Bond Purchase Agreement, an Offering Memorandum, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, a
Landowner Agreement, an Agreement Regarding Waiver of Right of Redemption and Waiver of Agricultural Valuation, Financing Agreement, Construction, Funding and Acquisition Agreement and Other Agreements and Documents in Connection Therewith; Making Findings with Respect to the Issuance of Such Bonds; and Providing for approval
of this Ordinance on only one reading as authorized by State Law; and providing an Effective Date.
Improvement District Project)”; Approving and Authorizing an Indenture of Trust, a Bond Purchase Agreement, an Offering Memorandum, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, a
Landowner Agreement, an Agreement Regarding Waiver of Right of Redemption and Waiver of Agricultural Valuation, Financing Agreement, Construction, Funding and Acquisition Agreement and Other Agreements and Documents in Connection Therewith; Making Findings with Respect to the Issuance of Such Bonds; and Providing for approval
of this Ordinance on only one reading as authorized by State Law; and providing an Effective Date.