Responses provided by Kari Fontenot & Laurie Moyer, City Manager's Office:
- QUALITY OF LIFE & SENSE OF PLACE, A. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, ii. Ensure master plans align with the current Comprehensive Plan.
What is the expectation to ensure the plans align with the Comp Plan? All master plans use the Comprehensive plan as their base for projection of growth patterns. All completed master plans (airport, water, wastewater, transportation, stormwater, parks, etc) are based on the currently adopted Comp Plan. Moving forward the plans will be updated on the new comp plan. During the time it takes to update the more specific plans, staff will verify any projects/policies are still valid under the new Comp Plan.
Review existing airport/parks/transportation etc. master plans to see where they may not be in alignment and fix them ASAP?
Ensure the NEXT master plan is in alignment?
There is a duplicate of this under 2. ECONOMIC VITALITY, E. RESPONSIBLE GROWTH item ii is the same.
We have removed the duplication from 2. ECONOMIC VITALITY, E. RESPONSIBLE GROWTH.
3 Public Safety, A. COMMUNITY SAFETY -
i. Adequately staff public safety departments to address community safety.
I thought we were specific that we would have a PLAN to staff police and fire. Even if that plan is "add x per year" for the next "y" years. Can be just a few pages. Include the study info as to how many we need per population or calls and specify the trigger at which we add more. Of course, fire should be in 12's and relates to building additional fire stations.
I wrote on my notes "Emergency Management" which isn't mentioned specifically here. Shouldn't it be?
We can absolutely incorporate a more specific addition, but we did include the following:
Increase all-hazards and disaster preparedness, response and recovery through coordination and local partnerships and intergovernmental cooperation.
C. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, Considering the Fiscal Analysis tool via the Comp Plan, will that info be provided in future ARFs, as applicable?
We can incorporate this into future ARFs where applicable.
Updated. Thank you!
i. How does one "
Implement the Preferred Scenario Map?"
Staff shares the preferred scenario map with developers, property owners, etc. during the pre-development process. As development occurs the map gets "implemented." The map also gets implemented through implementation of the comprehensive plan - as the city invests in infrastructure or creates programs they should align with the plan and encourage development the way it is forecasted on the map.
ii. Incorporate concepts from the current Comprehensive Master Plan into the Stormwater Technical Manual and the Land Development Code. Current plan? The 2013 plan or the one we are working on now? Statement should be specific in this document.
We can clarify that it is the adopted Comprehensive Plan in effect.