Item 19: Change in Service Agreement with Engineering Firms for Materials Testing

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2021-156R, authorizing Change in Services to the agreements with the engineering firms previously selected to be on an on-call list to provide material testing services for various City projects, Arias and Associates, Inc . Fugro, Inc. Kleinfelder Inc., Raba Kistner, Inc. and Terracon Consultants, Inc. to increase each firm’s contract amount; authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute the necessary documents to implement the change in services; and declaring an effective date.


  • Resolution.pdf
    92.7 KB · Views: 1,539
  • Arias ACIS 1.pdf
    419.8 KB · Views: 1,584
  • Fugro ACIS 1.pdf
    447.5 KB · Views: 801
  • Kleinfelder ACIS 1.pdf
    367.4 KB · Views: 1,584
  • Raba ACIS 4.pdf
    413.6 KB · Views: 1,512
  • Terracon ACIS 2.pdf
    307.8 KB · Views: 1,524


CoSM Members
-Do these firms only do quality testing for CoSM projects?
-Who do we rely upon to ensure quality testing for developments in SMTX, especially multi-family as we've all seen some questionable construction over the last 8-10 years. Do we just rely on the developers or is there a requirement that they hire independent firms as we do?



Staff member
Responses to CM Derrick provided by Michael Cardwell, Engineering Inspections Manager:
-Do these firms only do quality testing for CoSM projects?
-Who do we rely upon to ensure quality testing for developments in SMTX, especially multi-family as we've all seen some questionable construction over the last 8-10 years. Do we just rely on the developers or is there a requirement that they hire independent firms as we do?

For all PICP projects the developer is required to hire their own testing lab. The city inspector is required to be at each project, during all testing to ensure each item meets or exceeds city specifications. The city inspector also receives all testing reports for each project and it is saved in the specific project folder.
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