Item 19: Direction/Action from Executive Session


Staff member
Consider action, by motion, or provide direction to Staff regarding the following Executive Session item held during the Work Session and/or Regular Meeting:
A. Section §551.071 of the Texas Government Code: Consultation with Attorney: to receive advice of legal counsel regarding acquisition of wastewater easements for proposed developments in the Southeast area of the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
B. Section §551.072 of the Texas Government Code: Real Property: to receive a staff briefing and deliberations regarding the acquisition of wastewater easements for proposed developments in the Southeast area of the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
C. Section §551.071 of the Texas Government Code: Consultation with Attorney: to seek the advice of legal counsel regarding the pending application to discharge wastewater from the privately-operated Fleming Farms Wastewater Treatment Facility proposed to be constructed 1.2 miles east of the intersection of Farm-to-Market 1978 and State Highway 123 in Guadalupe County under the following case name and docket numbers: Application by Regal, LLC for a new TPDES Permit No. WQ0015817001; TCEQ Docket No. 2020-0973 MWD; SOAH Docket No. 582-21-0576
D. Section §551.071 of the Texas Government Code: Consultation with Attorney: regarding a request from two Caldwell County residents for a resolution of support from City Council for the creation of an Emergency Services District to provide Emergency Medical Services to certain areas of Caldwell County, some of which are inside the City of San Marcos
E. Section §551.074 of the Texas Government Code: Personnel Matters: to discuss appointee evaluations for city manager, municipal court judge, city clerk and city attorney