Responses Provided by Staff at Kittle Properties:
Whenever we have any type of project that references eligibility of X% AMI, please note if this is the Austin/San Marcos MSA AMI and what that current dollar amount is. Thanks.
The area median income based upon the 2020 Hays County area median income. The area median income we base our rental rates on is $97,600. The rental rates are based on a sliding scale of affordability. At 60% of area median income, the income limit for a household of one person, is $41,040. We will provide only 1 and 2 bedroom units, thus our community will largely serve residents who earn under $50,000 per year.
Is there more than one elevator option per building?
No, there is only one elevator per building. Our buildings have lighted stairwells as an alternate form of access.
Will the stairwells be wide with emergency lighting?
Yes, the stairwells exceed code requirements and include emergency lighting.
No elevator service was a problem during our recent electric storm outage. It highlighted the need for elevators in senior communities so if one elevator is out, will there be an alternate route using an elevator intended to serve another area?
We will use the stairwell in the case of power outages. In every building we store mobility transport units that help transport residents up and down staircases. Each one of the stairwells has an area of refuge for shelter in place.
Will the PILOT be comparable to the amount of taxes would have been paid? Or, what would be the expected taxes? Have they provided a cost for the project of how much tax base it would add? If so, that is that amount?
The PILOT payment suggested is approximately 72% of the fire and city taxes. Without a reduction of taxes the development is not feasible.
I don't understand the ADA Units statement that "However, all units at the property are ADA adaptable and can be made into accessible or sensory units at the request of the resident.”
ADA units for wheelchair residents have kitchens and bathrooms that are vastly different from standard units. Please ask what they mean by "all units are ADA adaptable" and the part about "can be made into accessible or sensory units."
If we not have any ADA or sensory units available, we will provide modifications to our standard units upon resident request. In the past we have accommodated requests for carpet to be removed and replaced with vinyl to allow for wheelchairs to move more easily through the unit. We also have installed handrails in our standard units, modified kitchen & bathroom cabinet’s front panels to allow for greater accessibility. We have also added strobe smoke detectors and door bells. Depending on the nature of the resident need, we accommodate all reasonable requests. If our maintenance team is unable to make the installation, we contract out to contractors who can make the change.
Are these units solely for residents who can live independently? I see that Kittle offers more services at some of their properties.
Yes, the units at Legacy Square are intended for seniors who live independently. We do not operate assisted living facilities however at some of our properties we have varying levels of service depending on the rules of the state Housing Finance Authority.
8c in the Kittle document shows "Furnished fitness center with one piece of equipment for every 40 units (1 point)" but the resolution shows one per every *20* units on page 656 of the current packet. It changes to 40 on page 699 of the current packet.
We will provide one piece of fitness equipment for every 20 units.
Need to amend the resolution to match their offer?
Any changes that council makes to the requirements will be reflected in the final resolution.