Item 22: Human Services Grant Funding

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Staff member
Consider approval of a Resolution 2021-249R, allocating, to non-profit agencies, Human Services Grant funding of $150,000 from the American Rescue Plan and $849,120.00 from the City’s General Fund, for a total of $999,120.00; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to act as the Official Representative of the City in matters related to said grant funds, including authorization to execute fundings contracts with selected agencies on behalf of the City; and declaring an effective date.


CoSM Members
Please attach the Excel version of the spreadsheet found at FINAL_DISPLAY_FOR_WEBSITE ( and in the packet. It's too wide for my screen and I need to narrow the columns to see them all.

Where are the applications? Do I need to use the link on the city website? If so, I can do that.
And reasons for funding, less funding, or no funding? Is the "notes" column of the spreadsheet all the explanation we have?


Staff member
Response to Mayor provided by Amanda Hernandez, Assistant Director of Planning:
Please attach the Excel version of the spreadsheet found at FINAL_DISPLAY_FOR_WEBSITE ( and in the packet. It's too wide for my screen and I need to narrow the columns to see them all. See attached Excel File.
Where are the applications? Do I need to use the link on the city website? If so, I can do that. Yes, a link was provided to reduce the size of the Council packet.
And reasons for funding, less funding, or no funding? Is the "notes" column of the spreadsheet all the explanation we have? The notes column is the final summary of the discussion. Minutes and video of the meetings are on the same City website page where the applications have been posted.


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