Item 22: San Marcos Arts Master Plan

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Staff member
Consider approval of Resolution 2022-55R, approving the updated San Marcos Arts Master Plan, and providing an effective date.


CoSM Members
There is so much good intent in this plan! We need a set process by which items are checked off, or those that are on-going are reported on so that we can see the good work that has been done. The Implementation Strategy and list of Recommendations will be a good start.

For activities that are beyond the Arts Commission, please ensure there is a process to get those items on the lists (CIP in some cases) where they apply. This might include Parks Board and CVB. This goes with the items on Section 3, page 12.

I'd like to see something about art in the new City Hall, whenever that happens.

Implementation Strategy page, 2-4. Replace "Mayor" with "City Council" to actively seek members for Arts Commission.


Staff member
There is so much good intent in this plan! We need a set process by which items are checked off, or those that are on-going are reported on so that we can see the good work that has been done. The Implementation Strategy and list of Recommendations will be a good start.

For activities that are beyond the Arts Commission, please ensure there is a process to get those items on the lists (CIP in some cases) where they apply. This might include Parks Board and CVB. This goes with the items on Section 3, page 12.

I'd like to see something about art in the new City Hall, whenever that happens.

Implementation Strategy page, 2-4. Replace "Mayor" with "City Council" to actively seek members for Arts Commission.
Response provided by Trey Hatt, Arts Coordinator:
Thank you, Mayor. We are proud to have administered the Arts Master Plan update in this, our third year of having the ARTS program with our Destination Services department. The arts are both an important economic driver in our community and key element of tourism.

Staff will set a process to track our progress and the Arts Commission will report periodically to the City Manager’s Office, City Council, and local arts organizations. Our immediate implementation process includes:

  • Using the list of actionable recommendations as the Arts Commission plans future public art initiatives, starting at its Visioning Workshop on March 22
  • A public event to present the Arts Master Plan to community members
  • Distribute printed copies of Arts Master Plan to key arts and culture organizations for their use
  • Work with other City departments on where art can be included in their projects
Staff’s goal is to use this master plan as the road map for future ARTS funded projects. To this end, we will continue to work with Resource Recovery, Keep San Marcos Beautiful, Parks and Recreation, and other City departments. We especially look forward to working closely with CIP and PADS to explore ways to incorporate art into future projects.

We’re also excited about the prospect of art at any new City Hall facility that may be our future, and we want to be closely involved in the planning process early on.

We will replace “Mayor” with “City Council” in the implementation strategy page 2-4. Thank you for noting that needed change.
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