Consider approval of Resolution 2022-55R, approving the updated San Marcos Arts Master Plan, and providing an effective date.
Response provided by Trey Hatt, Arts Coordinator:There is so much good intent in this plan! We need a set process by which items are checked off, or those that are on-going are reported on so that we can see the good work that has been done. The Implementation Strategy and list of Recommendations will be a good start.
For activities that are beyond the Arts Commission, please ensure there is a process to get those items on the lists (CIP in some cases) where they apply. This might include Parks Board and CVB. This goes with the items on Section 3, page 12.
I'd like to see something about art in the new City Hall, whenever that happens.
Implementation Strategy page, 2-4. Replace "Mayor" with "City Council" to actively seek members for Arts Commission.