Executive Session in accordance with the following:
A. Sec. §551.086 of the Texas Government Code: Public Power Utility Competitive Matters: - To receive staff briefing regarding the City’s Wholesale Power Agreements and the cost recovery mechanism for wholesale power purchases
B. Sec. §551.071 of the Texas Government Code: Consultation with Attorney: To receive a briefing on pending litigation, to wit: Civil Action No. 1:21-CV-00568-RP; In the United States District Court; Western District of Texas; Eric Cervini, Wendy Davis, David Gins, and Timothy Holloway v. Chase Stapp, Brandon Winkenwerder, Matthew Daenzer, and City of San Marcos
C. Sec. §551.074 of the Texas Government Code: Personnel Matter: To discuss the duties and responsibilities of the Presiding Municipal Court Judge
A. Sec. §551.086 of the Texas Government Code: Public Power Utility Competitive Matters: - To receive staff briefing regarding the City’s Wholesale Power Agreements and the cost recovery mechanism for wholesale power purchases
B. Sec. §551.071 of the Texas Government Code: Consultation with Attorney: To receive a briefing on pending litigation, to wit: Civil Action No. 1:21-CV-00568-RP; In the United States District Court; Western District of Texas; Eric Cervini, Wendy Davis, David Gins, and Timothy Holloway v. Chase Stapp, Brandon Winkenwerder, Matthew Daenzer, and City of San Marcos
C. Sec. §551.074 of the Texas Government Code: Personnel Matter: To discuss the duties and responsibilities of the Presiding Municipal Court Judge