Item 25: GSMP Board of Directors Nominations

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Staff member
Consider the nomination of City Manager, Mayor and two Council Members to serve on the Greater San Marcos Partnership Board of Directors, and provide direction to Staff.
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Council Member
Are there attendance records available for these meetings, I did not see them in the minutes posted on the GSMP website. I understand that they vote by quorum and that there are consequences for members with poor attendance, so I assume we should be able to see who is absent?

Also, in section 4.7 it refers to "Financial contributions" is this referring to GSMP's regular membership fees, or some other required contributions?

Lastly -
Section 5.12 Compensation. The Board of Directors for the Corporation shall not receive any compensation or salaries for their services, but by resolution of the Board may be paid or reimbursed reasonable expenses for activities preformed in furtherance of their duties on behalf of the Corporation.

Can we see how much money is paid out through this mechanism? I've heard from several current board members that they are not paid, but seeing this makes me wonder how much money may be funneled through this resolution process. Surely this refers to the board voting in a quorum with a majority so there should be record of yays/nays, right?


Staff member
Responses provided by GSMP and Kelsee Jordan Lee, Economic & Business Development Manager:
Are there attendance records available for these meetings, I did not see them in the minutes posted on the GSMP website. I understand that they vote by quorum and that there are consequences for members with poor attendance, so I assume we should be able to see who is absent?

The Partnership keeps attendance at its board meeting. Mr. Giulietti stated he would ask his team to get the board approved minutes posted to the website this week. The financial contributions referenced in Section 4.7. is for Board Members to be current on their investment level payments.

Also, in section 4.7 it refers to "Financial contributions" is this referring to GSMP's regular membership fees, or some other required contributions?
The "financial contribution" pertains to any investment a member has committed to the Partnership, if any. It would not apply to an entity, such as the SMCISD or a number of others, that have a designated seat on the Board, but do not contribute financially to the Partnership. Broadly, this is a general section noting that if a member is going to serve on the board, they should do so in good faith.

Lastly -
Section 5.12 Compensation. The Board of Directors for the Corporation shall not receive any compensation or salaries for their services, but by resolution of the Board may be paid or reimbursed reasonable expenses for activities preformed in furtherance of their duties on behalf of the Corporation.
Can we see how much money is paid out through this mechanism? I've heard from several current board members that they are not paid, but seeing this makes me wonder how much money may be funneled through this resolution process. Surely this refers to the board voting in a quorum with a majority so there should be record of yays/nays, right?

Regarding compensation to board members, board members are volunteers and are not paid. According to Section 5.12 they could be reimbursed for actual expenses in the course of their duties, but that has only happened once to the knowledge of the GSMP President. The current board chair was reimbursed $200 for the purchase of the International Economic Development Council’s Annual Salary report which was used to benchmark salaries as GSMP rebuilt some of the team during the pandemic.
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